Hillsdale College offers free, not-for-credit online courses by its faculty in the subjects of politics, history, literature, government, philosophy, and economics.
These are not strictly secular classes. Hillsdale courses are based on a Christian worldview and are classically liberal in nature. The courses range from 9-12 lectures in length and are an easily digestible 20-40 minutes long. The course includes lectures, Q&A sections, quizzes, and readings (the reading assignments are linked handouts, no books required.)
Some class offerings:
The Second World Wars
Great American Story: A Land of Hope
Aristotle‘s Ethics
The Second World Wars
The Young Jane Austen
Mark Twain
Economics 101: The Principles of Free Market Economics
The Federalist Papers
The US Supreme Court
Classic Children’s Literature
Athens and Sparta
Great Books 101: Ancient to Medieval
Great Books 102: Renaissance to Modern
Congress: How it Worked and Why it Doesn‘t
Western Heritage, From the Book of Genesis to John Locke
American Heritage, From Colonial Settlement to the Reagan Revolution
Introduction to the Constitution
The Meaning and History of the Constitution
The Progressive Rejection of the Founding and the Rise of Bureaucratic Despotism
The Presidency and the Constitution
And more!
It’s all self-paced, so there is no length to the classes. High school homeschool credit is really awarded at the parents discretion, so I’m not sure if these classes fulfill a reasonable amount of hours for credit or if you’d supplement them with something else or even use them as a supplement to something else.
You can find the Hillsdale classes here:
Additionally, you could use some of them to supplement a Modern States course and use the free voucher for CLEP college credit. (https://modernstates.org)